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D.U.Y Fundraiser

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Society has made us believe that only the wealthy can afford midwifery care, therefore making it look like a privilege to have.  The truth is bringing new life into the world is no easy task so every woman regardless of her race, social, or economical status should have the option to birth how she wants!

Delivering Unto You is dedicated to making a change in how black women see and receive care during their pregnancy but realize that financial barriers guide their decision making when choosing a provider.

Our founder is currently a student midwife who has an apprenticeship with a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), in Austin, TX who accepts Medicaid for Home births! The downside is Medicaid reimbursement is disrespectfully low!  Let us break it down!

The going rate for Midwifery care in Austin is $5,000-$6,000 for full care. This includes all prenatal care, the delivery, and all postpartum care. This is an awesome rate compared to average $10,000 for an OBGYN, plus the $15,000-$20,000 the hospital charges.  Most Midwives, even if they don’t accept Medicaid will reduce their fees for patients who are on Medicaid to $3,000-$4,000! This is still great, right? Yes, the rate is great, but most people on Medicaid can not afford to pay that amount, and even if they find a provider who accepts Medicaid, Medicaid only pays an average of $1,500, which leaves the patient with an out of pocket cost of $1,500-$2,500 that needs to paid by 36 weeks or 6 weeks postpartum.

Even with all the reductions in fees most patients will opt out of midwifery care and others will make huge sacrifices, that cause additional stress and anxiety to make the payments. Currently we are seeing a spike in Midwifery care due to COVID-19 and we are sure this will continue to increase throughout the year.  

Help us break these barriers! Our goal is to help 12-15 families of color over the next 8 months with the out of pocket cost for midwifery care and birth kit supplies so they can have a low, to no out of pocket cost for their care.

Helping a family receive compassionate care during pregnancy and birth will not only positively impact the family, it will  change the face of our community and our future!

If you would like more information or would like to donate birth kit items please contact us at

Thank you!

Delivering Unto You
Staff & Board

March 6

Pregnant & Poppin'

July 18

Mom Empowerment Group